PSICQUIC Web Services for iRefIndex

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Revision as of 15:16, 22 December 2009 by Ian.donaldson (talk | contribs)

These web services have not been officially released but are available for testing purposes.

WSDL location :

Get version;

Available services:

Web interface at IntAct that implements these web-services from several databases:

REST service samples:


The format and content of the interaction data returned by these services is described at

Users are advised that there are differences between our implementation of these services and that of other databases. Most notably,

1) each PSI-MITAB line returned by these services represents a collection of experimental evidence from source databases that all provide support for some kind of interaction between the same set of proteins. Other PSICQUIC services will likely return one piece of evidence per line.

2) interactions between 3 or more proteins (n-ary data) is represented in the PSI-MITAB files using a bi-partite model (one of the first two columns is used to represent the complex and the second column is used to represent a member of the complex). Other PSICQUIC services will likely use a spoke model representation.

Please refer to our documentation above and documentation provided by other PSICQUIC providers if you plan to combine results from multiple services.