Sources iRefIndex 5.0

From irefindex

Last edited:08th, July 2009

Applies to iRefIndex release: 5.0

Release date: July 2009 Authors: Ian Donaldson,Sabry Razick and Paul Boddie

Database: iRefIndex (

Organization: Biotechnology Centre of Oslo, University of Oslo (

Description: This file lists interaction and protein sequence related resources used for the current build of the iRefIndex. Statistics for the iRefIndex are available and include a breakdown of interactors and interactions from each data source.

  • For statistics on full public dataset please refer to:
  • For statistics on the public dataset (distributed on the FTP site contains) please refer to:

Sequence related resources

Source Format Location Version (date)
SEGUID Tab-delimited text seguidannotation September 23rd, 2008
UniProt Text
Download : 1.UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (uniprot_sprot.dat.gz) 2.UniProtKB/TrEMBL (uniprot_trembl.dat.gz)
UniProt Release 15.3 (May 26th 2009)
UniProt, IsoForms FASTA uniprot_sprot_varsplic.fasta.gz Release 15.3 (May 26th 2009)
UniProt, SGD Tab-delimited text file. Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae): entries, gene names and cross-references to SGD Release:57.3 (May 26th 2009)
UniProt, FLY Tab-delimited text file. Drosophila: entries, gene names and cross-references to FlyBase. Release: 57.3 (May 26th 2009)
NCBI, RefSeq GenPept see *.protein.gpff.gz files Release 35 (May 4th, 2009)
NCBI, MMDB/PDB Tab-delimited text (Downloaded on May 14th, 2009)
NCBI, PDB sequences FASTA (Downloaded on May 14th, 2009)
NCBI Gene2Refseq Tab-delimited text gene2refseq.gz (Downloaded on May 14th, 2009)