iRefIndex Testing 7.0

From irefindex
Revision as of 09:19, 28 November 2010 by Sabry (talk | contribs)

The testing procedure for iRefIndex

Cross check with output of element counter

Program to use : (SaxValidator package)

  • For each interaction source </interactor> count should match the UID count

int_object (select (select name from int_db where as intSource, count(uid) from int_object group by source; ).

  • For each interaction source </interactor> count should match the UID count

int_source (select (select name from int_db where as intSource, count(uid) from int_source group by source;).

  • When </interactor> is not usable to count distinct objects (when this occurs

as part of interaction and repeated in interactorList) some other suitable element has to be used (e.g </participant>)

  • Why count the closing elements in the above cases (e.g. </interactor> ,

instead of <interaction> or </interaction ). The reason is interaction elements may have attributes and elements starting with interaction may be ambiguous. This program uses text matching (to be independent of any XML parsing).

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